My Nana knew how to enjoy life. She cooked great Italian meals at the holidays, always had friends stop by for drinks or a meal, and she regularly went to church. She also had a great strategy for staying healthy.
She went out dancing every night.
Whether the local tavern, a VFW hall, or a family event, nana always enjoyed dancing and the company of others. Nana was social, witty, and street smart.
She lived a long life and passed away when she was in her mid-eighties. She would have approved of the party we threw to celebrate her after the funeral. There were music, dancing, and a great group of family and friends.

I think of nana often, especially during challenging times. I believe she is watching over us so we make good adult decisions, keep our families healthy and maintain the company of quality relationships. As I am approaching my 50th birthday this summer, I fully understand why she always said, “your health is the most important thing.”
In your 20’s you feel invincible, but in your 30’s and 40’s things change little by little. "So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health" (Reb Materi). You have to work diligently to maintain good health.
Which is why I want to share with you three low impact ways to stay healthy.
3 Low Impact Ways to Stay Healthy
1. Biking
I like to ride my bike, whether a cruise around town on a Saturday morning or biking to the community pool during the summer for a swim. Biking gets me out in the community and is a great way to meet friends for a coffee or explore nature.
If this is an activity you’d like to get started with, I’d love to give you some points. If you like to talk about biking, shoot me an email.
2. Yoga
I sit for long stretches of time while doing investment research for Peak Wealth’s clients. I have found that yoga helps to combat the strain this type of work does to me physically and mentally. Not only does it stretch and strengthen muscles, it also builds inner focus and calms the nervous system.
You can enjoy yoga at any age or ability level. Check out free yoga classes online here.
3. Gardening
There are numerous benefits to having gardening as a hobby. Spending time outdoors, being active, and growing vegetables that I can cook are just a couple of the direct benefits. My partner and I try to cook our meals for the week every Saturday or Sunday afternoon. We usually work our meals around whatever vegetables were successful in the garden. This allows us to spend time together, save money on take out, and make healthy food choices.
I’ve written another post on gardening, so head over to 3 Surprising Benefits of Gardening & Why You Should be Doing It and learn more.
Having hobbies that you enjoy can reduce stress, and ones that involve low impact exercise can enhance your satisfaction as well as the length of life. Studies have shown that active lifestyles can contribute to adding up to 10 extra years to your life.
Why does staying healthy matter for investors?
Simply because time horizon matters. The longer you have to invest, the higher your investment returns will be. Money compounds over time. Investing early in life is one way to provide more time for your investments to grow. But being healthy while living longer is a good strategy as well. The best part, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you won’t have to spend your wealth to maintain your health.
What ways are you maintaining your health? Have you begun a new routine and recommitted to your health? Share your story with me via email or on Facebook.
Take Action.
Assess your Investment Risk Tolerance by trying Peak Wealth Planning's fantastic free resource Riskalyze. It will take less than 5 minutes.
Learn more about Investment Time Horizon by reading Time Horizon, Risk, and Liquidity: How to Get Higher Investment Returns. And if you’d like to chat with me about time horizon,
Get questions answered by a financial advisor. Schedule a call to learn how Peak Wealth Planning can help you.
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About the Author
Peter Newman is a Chartered Financial Advisor (CFA) and president of Peak Wealth Planning. He works with individuals nationwide that have accumulated wealth through company stock, ESOP shares, real estate, or running a business. Peter applies his unique background to help clients achieve their specific goals and enjoy peace of mind.
Peak Wealth Planning offers personalized concierge services to meet your wealth management needs, including financial planning, investment management, ESOP diversification, retirement income, insurance, and estate planning. As a fee-based financial advisor based in Chicago, Peak Wealth Planning serves a select group of clients in Illinois and across other states.